Animated explainer video for the mobile app VidBid from LESA, detailing the benefits and use of the VidBid app.
The goal was to inform potential customers of how the app can benefit them and their business. Encouraging them to take action by contacting LESA's staff at the end of the video.
Keep scrolling to see a full breakdown of the project.
Role: Scripting, design and animation (stock illustrations from Evanto)
Style frames
Style Option 1
Style Option 2
While I finished up edits to the script, it was time to nail down the style of this video. Based on the inspiration that the client and I discussed, I produced two style options as seen above. The client approved the style option 1.
With the style approved, I sketched rough storyboards before starting design in Adobe Illustrator.
Once I had a visual story line roughed out on paper, I turned my sketches into fully realized storyboards as seen below.

Before animating, an animatic was created to nail down the pacing of the video and voice over.